先端情報理工学連続セミナー/Advanced Computer Science and Engineering Seminar (ACSE Seminar)
第六回先端情報理工学連続セミナー / 6th ACSE Seminar
Semantics and verification of distributed storage systems
Speaker: Prof. Peter Braam, Visiting professor of Physics at the University of Oxford & Entrepreneur
Date and Time:
Talk 1, 13:10-14:10 on August 6, 2024
Talk 2, 14:20-15:20 on August 6, 2024
1F Presentation Room 102,
Green Computing Systems Research and Development Center
Waseda University,
27 Waseda-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 162-0042
[Map From Subway Waseda Platform]
Abstract: During the first of these two lectures, I will describe some of the most subtle semantics of distributed storage systems. Some of these, e.g. maintenance of the file size of files with a distributed layout on a central node, have eluded a correct implementation for decades. In the 2nd lecture, I will introduce Leslie Lamport’s TLA+, and show how this has become the most used tool to verify algorithms in distributed storage. We expect that some of the unresolved issues can be implemented correctly with this approach. Also, while our emphasis is on distributed storage related problems exist for computations using distributed memory.
Bio: Peter Braam has been a scientist and entrepreneur. He started his career as a mathematician and finished being a professor of mathematics in Oxford in 1997. From there on, he focused on computer science and its applications to science, inventing the Lustre storage system while at Carnegie Mellon University. Peter’s startup company, which built Lustre, was acquired by SUN, and several other startups of Peter saw a positive exit. Since 2013, he has worked on various computing projects related to the SKA radio telescope, machine learning for physics, and programming languages. Peter is a visiting professor of physics at Oxford and a visiting professor at Waseda university.
開催日時:2024年8月6日 13:10-15:30
第五回先端情報理工学連続セミナー / 5th ACSE Seminar
Enhancing Computer Security with Hardware-level Malware Detection
Prof. Jean-Luc Gaudiot, Dept. EECS, UC Irvine, IEEE Computer Society President 2017
ACM/IEEE ISCA 2025@Waseda, General Co-Chair with Prof. Hironori Kasahara
In the past decades, computer design has prioritized performance, cost reduction, and energy efficiency over security. Meanwhile, malicious attacks have surged with the ever-increasing number of Internet-connected devices. Traditional antivirus software struggles to combat these attacks, particularly those exploiting hardware vulnerabilities. We introduce an additional layer of malware detection at the hardware level, monitoring semantic and sub-semantic behaviors to enhance system security. We present a real-time malware detection system monitoring microarchitectural features to detect anomalies indicative of attacks like Rowhammer and Spectre. Our experiments demonstrate scalability and promising detection accuracy. Future research aims to extend detection to GPU and other hardware vulnerabilities, emphasizing proactive, multi-layered defense mechanisms to counter evolving malware threats.
第四回先端情報理工学連続セミナー / 4th ACSE Seminar
Specification-Guided Concurrent and Distributed Systems
Nobuko Yoshida (Professor, University of Oxford)
In this talk, I first give the introduction of Oxford University and Department of Computer Science.
Session types are a type discipline to specify and verify communications through protocol descriptions. It has been already 30 years since the first paper on session types, by Kohei Honda at CONCUR 1993. This talk first gives an origin of session types, and then introduces multiparty session types, and explains its applications to programming languages and distributed systems.
Nobuko Yoshida is Christopher Strachey Chair of Computer Science in University of Oxford. She is an EPSRC Established Career Fellow and an Honorary Fellow at Glasgow University. She was awarded the third Suffrage Science Awards for Mathematics and Computing for her achievements of women in STEM.
Nobuko Yoshida’s main research interests during the last twenty years have been theories and applications of protocols specifications and verifications. She introduced multiparty session types [ POPL’08, JACM ] which received Most Influential POPL Paper Award in 2018 (judged by its influence over the last decade). This work enlarged the community and widened the scope of applications of session types, e.g. runtime monitoring based on Scribble (co-developed with Red Hat) has been deployed to other projects such as cyberinfrastructure in the US Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI); and widened the scope of her research areas. She is an editor of ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Acta Infomatica, Journal of Logical Algebraic Methods in Programming, and the chief editor of The Computer-aided Verification and Concurrency Column for EATCS Bulletin.
第三回先端情報理工学連続セミナー / 3rd ACSE Seminar
Jeremy Gibbons (Professor, Oxford University)
Date: 17:00-18:40, May 10, 2024
Venue: Online
第二回先端情報理工学連続セミナー / 2nd ACSE Seminar
A Fine-grained Asynchronous Bulk Synchronous Parallelism Model for Large-scale Applications
Akihiro Hayashi(Georgia Institute of Technology)
早稲田大学理工学部コンピュータ・ネットワーク工学科、同理工学研究科情報理工学専攻にて学士(2007), 修士(2008), 博士(2012)取得。早稲田大学基幹理工学部情報理工学科 助手(2010-2012)、同助教(2012-2013)着任後、Rice UniversityにてPostdoctoral Researcher (2013-2015), Research Scientist (2015-2019)を経て、Georgia Institute of TechnologyにてSenior Research Scientist (2019-)。マルチコア, GPU, 量子コンピュータ等のハイパフォーマンスコンピューティングシステム向けのプログラミングモデル、コンパイラ、ランタイムシステムに関する様々な研究プロジェクトに長年従事。
第一回先端情報理工学連続セミナー / 1st ACSE Seminar
“Designing Secure and Optimized Datacenter Transport Protocol”
Michio Honda (https://micchie.net/)
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) the University of Edinburgh
Datacenter operators and tenants need end-to-end encryption due to workload co-location and untrusted network infrastructure. The status quo is TLS/TCP and QUIC, but those are unfit for datacenters due to unsuitable abstractions and host software overheads. This talk presents our work on a secure datacenter transport protocol (SDP), which allows the use of legacy hardware offload for cryptographic operations available in commodity NICs, while using a new datacenter transport protocol as its basis, such as Homa, allowing operators that currently rely on TLS over TCP to adopt SDP without sacrificing hardware offloading opportunity.
Michio Honda is a lecturer (equivalent to assistant professor in US) in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. His best known work is identifying TCP extensibility against middlebox interference and building the first TCP/IP network stack for persistent memory. His current research interests include networked storage systems and secure datacenter transport protocols. He is a recipient of IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize (2011), Facebook Research Award (2021) and Google Research Scholar Award (2022).
開催日時:2023年12月21日(木) 16:30-17:30
開催場所:55N号館 1階 第二会議室