


“Designing Secure and Optimized Datacenter Transport Protocol”

Michio Honda (https://micchie.net/)
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) the University of Edinburgh https://micchie.net

Datacenter operators and tenants need end-to-end encryption due to workload co-location and untrusted network infrastructure. The status quo is TLS/TCP and QUIC, but those are unfit for datacenters due to unsuitable abstractions and host software overheads. This talk presents our work on a secure datacenter transport protocol (SDP), which allows the use of legacy hardware offload for cryptographic operations available in commodity NICs, while using a new datacenter transport protocol as its basis, such as Homa, allowing operators that currently rely on TLS over TCP to adopt SDP without sacrificing hardware offloading opportunity.


Michio Honda is a lecturer (equivalent to assistant professor in US) in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. His best known work is identifying TCP extensibility against middlebox interference and building the first TCP/IP network stack for persistent memory. His current research interests include networked storage systems and secure datacenter transport protocols. He is a recipient of IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize (2011), Facebook Research Award (2021) and Google Research Scholar Award (2022).

2023 12 21 (木) 16:30-17:30
55N号館 1階 第二会議室
